λ Tony's Blog λ

Improving Applicative do-notation

Posted on October 18, 2013

Monad and Functor

The Haskell programming language has a Monad type-class as well as a Functor type-class. It is possible to derive the Functor primitive (fmap) from the Monad primitives:

-- derive fmap from the Monad primitives, (>>=) and return
fmap f x =
  x >>= return . f

Therefore, it is reasonably argued that Monad should extend Functor so as to provide this default definition of fmap. Due to history, this is not the case, which leads to some awkward situations.

For example, since not all Functor instances are Monad instances, a given operation may wish to restrict itself (if possible) to Functor so that it can be used against those data types. In short, use fmap instead of liftM to prevent an unnecessary constraint on the type of the operation.

fFlip ::
  Functor f =>
  f (a -> b)
  -> a
  -> f b
fFlip f a =
  fmap ($a) f

mFlip ::
  Monad f =>
  f (a -> b)
  -> a
  -> f b
mFlip f a =
  liftM ($a) f

The fFlip is available to use to a strict superset of the data types that mFlip is available to, yet they are both equivalent in power. It is desirable to implement fFlip. However, when we combine a usage of fFlip with a monad operation, our type constraint becomes (Monad f, Functor f) =>, which is undesirable boilerplate because Monad implies Functor!

Monad, Applicative and Functor

A proposal to amend this introduces the Applicative type-class, which sits between Monad and Functor. In other words, Monad extends Applicative and Applicative extends Functor. This is again, because the primitives of each superclass can be derived:

-- derive fmap from the Applicative primitives, (<*>) and pure
fmap ::
  Applicative f =>
  (a -> b)
  -> f a
  -> f b
fmap =
  (<*>) . pure

-- derive (<*>) and pure from the Monad primitives, (>>=) and return
(<*>) ::
  Monad f =>
  f (a -> b)
  -> f a
  -> f b
f <*> a =
  do f' <- f
     a' <- a
     return (f' a')

pure ::
  Monad f =>
  -> f a
pure =

Applicative do-notation

With this proposal, there is another proposal to extend do-notation to take advantage of this improved flexibility. Currently, do-notation translates to the code that uses the Monad primitives, (>>=) and return1.

There are some arguments against this proposal, because this extension is not always desirable. In particular, the degree to which values are shared may be affected. Consider:

result =
  do a <- expr
     b <- spaceyExpr
     return (f a b)

-- monad desugaring (current)
result =
  expr >>= \a ->
  spaceyExpr >>= \b ->
  return (f a b)

-- applicative desugaring (proposed)
result =
  fmap f expr <*> spaceyExpr

Since spaceyExprappears inside a lambda for the current desugaring, it will not be retained and so computed on each invocation of a. However, in the proposed desugaring, the value is retained and shared when the expression is evaluated. This could, of course, lead to surprises in space usage.

It might be argued that do-notation should maintain its current desugaring using Monad and introduce another means by which to perform Applicative desugaring.

Whatever the outcome, all of this distracts from the otherwise glaring oversight.


The Functor, Monad, Applicative proposal opens with the following paragraph:

Haskell calls a couple of historical accidents its own. While some of them,
such as the "number classes" hierarchy, can be justified by pragmatism or
lack of a strictly better suggestion, there is one thing that stands out as,
well, not that: Applicative not being a superclass of Monad.

It is my opinion that this proposal is about to commit exactly the same historical mistake that is attempting to be eschewed. Furthermore, by properly eliminating this mistake, the syntax proposal would be improved as a consequence.

Being a strong proponent of progress, and that Haskell is often pushing the front of progress, this makes me a bit sad :(

Fact: not all semigroups are monoids.

No desugaring, current or proposed, utilises the identity value. In the Monad case, this is return and in the Applicative case, this is pure. However, it is a requirement of users to implement these functions. There exist structures that can utilise the full power of this desugaring, but cannot provide the identity value. Therefore, we can eliminate the identity value and still exploit the full advantage of desugaring. Not only this, but it then makes operations available to a strict superset of data types.

Consider the following amendment to the proposal:

class Functor f => Apply f where
  (<*>) ::
    f (a -> b)
    -> f a
    -> f b

class Apply f => Applicative f where
  pure ::
    -> f a

We may still derive many of the ubiquitous functions, without the full power of Applicative.

liftA2 ::
  Apply f =>
  (a -> b -> c)
  -> f a
  -> f b
  -> f c
liftA2 f a b =
  fmap f a <*> b

We may still exploit our do-notation:

result =
  do a <- expr1
     b <- expr2
     return (f a b)

-- apply desugaring
result =
  fmap f expr1 <*> expr2

However, more to the point, there are now data structures for which these operations (e.g. liftA2) and do-notation become available, that otherwise would not have been.

Here are some examples of those:

data NonEmptyList a = NEL a [a]
data Also a x = Also (NonEmptyList a) x
instance Functor (Also a) where
instance Apply (Also a) where
  Also (NEL h t) f <*> Also (NEL h' t') x =
    Also (NEL h (t ++ h' : t')) (f x)

The Also data type has no possible Applicative instance, yet it has a very usable Apply. This means we can use (amended) liftA2 and do-notation on Also values, without losing any power.

This data type generalises in fact, while still maintaining an Apply instance.

data Also s x = Also s x

There is an Apply instance for (Also s) for as long as there is a Semigroup instance for s, however, if your semigroup is not a monoid, then there is no Monoid instance. I have used (NonEmptyList a) as an example of a data type with a semigroup, but not a monoid.

class Semigroup a where
  (<>) :: -- associative
    -> a
    -> a

instance Semigroup s => Apply (Also s) where
  Also s1 f <*> Also s2 x =
    Also (s1 <> s2) (f x)
data OrNot a = -- Maybe (NonEmptyList a)
  | Or (NonEmptyList a)

instance Functor OrNot where

instance Apply OrNot where
  Not <*> _ =
  Or _ <*> Not =
  Or (NEL h t) <*> Or (NEL h' t') =
    Or (NEL (h h') (t <*> t'))

The OrNot data is isomorphic to Maybe (NonEmptyList a) and has an Apply instance that is similar to the Applicative for Maybe. However, since this data type holds a non-empty list, there is no possibility for an Applicative instance.

Again, with an amended do-notation and library functions, we could use OrNot values.

But it doesn’t stop there…

Your regular old Data.Map#Map can provide an Apply instance, but not an Applicative.

instance Ord k => Apply (Map k) where
  (<*>) =
    Map.intersectionWith ($)

There is no corresponding Applicative instance for this Apply instance. This is the same story for Data.IntMap#IntMap.

I want to use liftA2 and many other generalised functions on (Map k) values and no, I am not sorry!

Apply not Applicative

I could go on and on with useful data types that have Apply instances, but no corresponding Applicative. However, I hope this is enough to illustrate the point.

If we are going to amend the type-class hierarchy, taking on all the compatibility issues of doing so, then let us provide a kick-arse solution. It is especially compelling in that this amendment to the proposal subsumes the existing error. Let us move on from yet another historical mistake that has already been acknowledged.

Bind not Monad

This story is not just about Apply and Applicative. All of the same reasoning applies to semi-monads or the Bind type-class. The return operation is not essential to do-notation or even many monad functions, so it is an unnecessary, imposed requirement for implementers of the Monad type-class.

Similarly, there are structures for which there is a Bind instance, but not a Monad instance.

Type-class Hierarchy Proper

In order to take full advantage of a type-class amendment, I submit the following proposed type-class hierarchy. I contend that it subsumes the existing proposal by providing additional flexibility for zero additional loss.

Library functions, such as liftA2, could slowly adopt an amendment to their type signature so as to open up to more data types.

class Functor f where
  fmap ::
    (a -> b)
    -> f a
    -> f b

class Functor f => Apply f where
  (<*>) ::
    f (a -> b)
    -> f a
    -> f b

class Apply f => Applicative f where
  pure ::
    -> f a

class Apply f => Bind f where
  (>>=) ::
    (a -> f b)
    -> f a
    -> f b

class (Applicative f, Bind f) => Monad f where

and while we’re at it…

class Semigroup a where
  (<>) :: -- mappend
    -> a
    -> a

class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
  mempty ::

but maybe I am biting off a bit too much there :)

Addendum on Pointed

I have not mentioned the Pointed experiment, because it is not worth mentioning anymore. It was an experiment, executed in both Scala and Haskell, and the result is conclusive.

However, here is the type-class:

class Functor f => Pointed f where
  pure ::
    -> f a

It was once proposed to slot in between Applicative and Functor. The Pointed type-class is not at all useful and there is no value in continuing discussion in this context, but instead about the result of the failed experiment. This is for another day.

  1. There are other functions on Monad, but these are either derivable (e.g. (>>)) or a mistake and hindrance to discussion (e.g. fail).↩︎