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List with O(1) cons and snoc in Scala
Posted on February 20, 2011A pseudo difference list with constant time prepend (cons) and append (snoc).
There is an efficiency issue with respect to Scala’s TCO implementation (making this data structure untenable?), however, I have forgotten the details of that.
In any case, a finger-tree is often more appropriate, but it would be nice to revive the Endo[List[A]]
sealed trait DiffList[A] {
val endo: List[A] => List[A]
import DiffList._
// cons O(1)
def <::(a: A): DiffList[A] = new DiffList[A] {
val endo = (z: List[A]) => a :: DiffList.this.endo(z)
// snoc O(1)
def ::>(a: A): DiffList[A] = new DiffList[A] {
val endo = (z: List[A]) => DiffList.this.endo(a :: z)
// append O(1)
def :::>(a: DiffList[A]): DiffList[A] = new DiffList[A] {
val endo = (z: List[A]) => DiffList.this.endo(a.endo(z))
// O(n)
def toList = endo(Nil)
object DiffList {
def empty[A]: DiffList[A] = new DiffList[A] {
val endo = (z: List[A]) => z
def single[A](a: A): DiffList[A] = a <:: empty[A]